International Moon Day – Single Set


International Moon Day – Single Set


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SKU:  SKU3095854 Categories:  , , , , .


Date of issue: 20 July 2024
Designer: Rorie Katz (United Nations)
Stamp denominations: US$ 0.73, US$1.65, CHF 1,20, CHF 1,90, € 0,95, €1,20
Stamp size: 36 mm x 36 mm
Sheet size: 204 mm x 140 mm
Stamps per sheet: 10
Printer: Royal Joh Enschedé (The Netherlands)
Process: Hexachrome
Perforation: 13 ¼ x 13 ¼

US$ 0.73   12,000 sheets
US$ 1.65   12,000 sheets
CHF 1,20   12,000 sheets
CHF 1,90   12,000 sheets
€ 0,95   12,000 sheets
€ 1,20   12,000 sheets

The Designs
US$ 0.73   Danuri (Credit: Kari)
US$ 1.65   Surveyor 1 (Credit: NASA/JPL)
CHF 1,20   Chandrayaan-3
CHF 1,90   SLIM – Smart lander for investigating moon (Credit: JAXA/TOMY/SONY GROUP CORP./DOSHISHA UNIVERSITY)
€ 0,95   SMART-1 (Credit: ESA/Space X)
€ 1,20   Chang’ E5 (Credit: CNSA)

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